Test Logo: 5 Key Questions For Logo Tests

The ‘test logo’ stage of a project is a challenging one. Especially as an emerging business, it can be difficult to know what will and will not resonate with your audience as it grows. Companies should be discerning about the question they ask during the ‘test logo’ stage of a design project.

Your team will not test logos until the end of the design process. At this point, you will have a few logo options that you’ve approved for testing. You may have a preference for one over the others, but it’s important to get third-party feedback from a group of people that most closely resembles your target audience.

This article will highlight five important questions to ask to make your test logo into your official brand symbol.

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1. Which Logo Is More Visually Impactful and Memorable?

A great question to open with when discussing your logo options with an audience focus group is which logo makes a bigger visual impact on them.

When responding to this question, the group will answer with the logo that first caught their eye. This is a great way to discover which logo will make the greatest immediate impact on your audience.

Additionally, responses to this question will indicate which logos are most appealing to certain groups and demographics. Think about who you want your logo to appeal to most and find the logo that resonates most with them.

Not only do you want your logo to be striking at first glance, but you want your audience to walk away from this interaction being able to recognize the logo, attaching it to your brand.

Logo recognition and accurate association are challenging — there are even games surrounding this concept. However, if your logo accurately resembles your company, customers will be more likely to remember it.

The brain processes images very quickly but will formulate ideas on logos based on the shapes, colors, typography, and symbols used. Make sure that you don’t sacrifice accuracy for a stunning visual because audiences will not be likely to associate your brand with that image in the long term.

Companies must balance brand identity accuracy with impressive visuals to build a logo that’s impactful and memorable.

2. Which Logo Is Most Unique?

One of the most important aspects of a company logo is that it uniquely represents your business.

Three-quarters of marketers find that logos are the most recognizable brand identifiers. The last thing you want your logo to do is to remind people of other companies or competitors with your logo. Presenting consumers with a unique logo will help them build an association between your visual brand identity and your company’s services.

Be sure that the logos you’re presenting are leveraging your unique company values or offerings. While you want audiences to perceive you as unique and innovative, the distinctiveness of your logo should align with key elements of your company.

Once you are sure your logo represents your company well, audience responses to this question will inform you of which logo will stand out from others in your industry.

3. Is There a Logo That Strikes You as Most Simplistic?

Simplicity is a term that many professionals focus on in the logo design space. Experts find that simple logos are best for companies that want to make a long-term impact on customers.

Simple logos offer a clear message that will be easier to understand and recall for customers than an intricate design with many symbols and meanings. Simple logos are vital in helping your audience commit your design to memory.

Some of the most popular logos are also the most simple. For instance, the Apple logo is a neutral-toned, memorable shape that many consumers recognize.

Apple - brand mark
Source: Apple

The most straightforward design may not be the most visually striking or trendy, so your audiences may deviate from their previous answers to this question. Simple logos may not follow the latest design trends within your industry, but they’re more likely to have the longevity that complex, flashy logos won’t.

As a company, you should weigh your priorities at this stage in the logo test. Determine how important a simplistic logo design is within your business plan and adjust your strategy with your group’s responses from there.

4. Which Logo Choice Is More Universal?

Now more than ever, it’s essential to have a global vision for your brand.

As more customers begin to favor online shopping, the e-commerce industry has grown astronomically. As a consumer-driven company, it will be in your best interest to select a universally appealing logo that people worldwide can understand and recognize.

Even if you have no current plans of serving a global market, it may still be essential to ask this question to help you conceptualize how you will scale in the future.

This may be a difficult question for some people in your focus group to answer. For this reason, it’s important to put together as diverse of a group as possible from the start. Having relevant stakeholders with various backgrounds and perspectives will help you get a wealth of helpful responses to guide your logo choice.

As more companies aim to attract a global market, make sure to ask your audience about which logo has the broadest appeal.

5. What Platforms or Promotional Materials Could You Envision This Logo On?

Lastly, a company must have plans for where they will use their logo to represent the brand.

Before holding a focus group session or logo feedback survey, build a list of the places you plan on featuring your logo.

It could include any of the following:

  • Website
  • App
  • Merchandise
  • Posters
  • Business cards
  • Social media
  • Trade show materials

Provide your group with a list of examples and have them think through the versatility of each logo. Having an adaptable logo will allow you to use your logo design across all types of platforms and materials.

However, not all logos translate well in all spaces. Make sure your audience is enthusiastic about top logo options in various environments before settling on your logo choice.

Critical Questions Are Required to Test a Logo

To effectively test a logo, you’ll have to lean on the opinions of relevant stakeholders and third-party members of your intended audience. By asking the right questions, weighing your priorities, and doing some critical thinking, you’ll understand how to choose a logo for your brand.

Need help selecting a company?

Based on your budget, timeline, and specifications we can help you build a shortlist of companies that perfectly matches your project needs. Get started by submitting your project details.

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